Standard Chartered Bank Titanium Credit Card. This can help you reduce the amount of interest you re paying. No other credit card in pakistan gives you instant cash rebates on your transactions which means this card offers you the best value for your money.
How does it work. You can save 5 on fuel phone and utility bill payments through sc super value titanium credit card. Super value titanium credit card save on your monthly expenses.
A balance transfer is a way to move credit card debt from any bank s credit card to a standard chartered credit card.
Standard bank is a licensed financial services provider in terms of the financial advisory and intermediary services act and a registered credit provider in terms of the national credit act registration number ncrcp15. Once transferred you enjoy a special low. No other credit card in pakistan gives you instant cash rebates on your transactions which means this card offers you the best value for your money. Apply for standard chartered credit cards online to enjoy cashback offers travel miles credit card reward points lifestyle shopping privileges.